What Hearing Can Cost Seniors?

Hearing loss is common in the elderly population. Hearing impairment that’s left untreated can be very dangerous to the person that’s going through the complications and also costly for health systems. Let’s take a look at the risks and treatments for hearing loss that’s not treated.

Hearing Complications & Not Knowing Medical Bills

Dealing with hearing impairments and not knowing that you are a sufferer might lead to high medical bills and even more health problems. According to Health Day News, researchers compared 77,000 U.S. patients with untreated hearing impairment to people with treated hearing impairment. The results showed that patients with untreated hearing loss paid more in medical bills than those whose hearing loss was treated. Additionally, patients with untreated hearing loss have a 44 percent higher risk of hospital readmittance in the next 30 days back in the hospital. Nicholas Reed a research leader at John Hopkins Cochlear Center stated that untreated hearing complications can substantially drive up the utilization and costs will eventually lead to a call to action among the health systems. He also stated that insurers should take better care of patients.

Other Health Issues Due To Hearing Impairment

So what exactly is the effects of untreated hearing impairment? Well in over the last 10 years elderly patients with untreated hearing impairment have a 50 percent greater chance of dementia. At a 40 percent high risk for patients is depression. Jennifer Deal, an assistant scientist at John Hopkins Bloomberg School, stated that they didn’t know if treating hearing impairment can help prevent the risk of depression or dementia, but it is significant that they figure it out because two-thirds (which is majority) of adults that’s at least 70 years of age and older have diagnose hearing impairment that’s affecting their everyday life. Deal also stated understanding the relationships will determine treatments for hearing impairment and it can limit the risk for older adults.

It is said that 38 million Americans are affected with hearing impairment and that the number is likely to double by the year 2060. Hearing impairment affects the elderly between the ages of 65 and 74 one third to be correct. Two-thirds of Americans ages 70 and above are clinically diagnosed. It is extremely important to monitor your body as you get older.

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